Occasionally your city or state will need to shut off your water for a period of time. Other instances like natural disasters or major storms could lead to the water supply being damaged or turned off. Experiencing a water outage can be frustrating and scary, but there are actions you can take to prepare and tips to implement once the water is shut off.
While it may not always be possible to prepare for a water outage, stocking up on water or emergency supplies now will help give you peace of mind in emergency situations.
Invest In Water Storage Containers
One of the best ways to ensure you have plenty of water for your family is to buy distilled water jugs, large water containers, or empty water jugs that can be filled in a time of need. These water storage options will help you have clean and safe water for drinking, washing, and bathing.
Keep Water In The Bath Tub Or Sink
If you do not have plastic or steel water containers, fill up your tub and sinks with water. This will give you a clear idea of how much water you have access to, and give you easy access to it for flushing or washing hands when absolutely necessary.
Water in the tub can be drunk, but it may need to be oxygenated after staying stagnant for some time. You can reoxygenate water by transferring it between two clean containers a few times.
Use Hand Sanitizer Instead Of Soap And Water
Simple tasks that we take for granted like hand washing, will not be available during a water outage. Clean hands are essential to your health, so using alternative options will keep you and your family safe while the water is off. Use hand sanitizer, wet wipes, or soap without water if you want to conserve your supply.
Use Paper Plates
Another daily task that will need to be adjusted is dishwashing. Whether you wash dishes by hand or in your dishwasher, the amount of water available for dishes will be limited during a water outage. Using paper plates, plastic silverware, and other disposable cutlery will help you conserve water for other needs.
Limit Physical Activity
During a water outage, you may not think that limiting your physical activity will help in any way, but limiting exercise or tiring activities will conserve water. Sweating can lead to dehydration and the need for more drinking water. If your supply is depleting, doing rigorous exercise will decrease it even further when drinking water is needed. Our bodies need water to survive, especially when our body is depleted of too much H2O.
Dehydration can become severe and lead to major body damage or death. Avoiding dehydration during a water outage starts with the right preparation. Buy plastic water bottles and limit the strain on your body.
Turn Off Your Water Heater
Turning off the heat in your house or turning off the water heater itself will lower the risk of fire when the line runs dry. If your water heater continues to heat up without water in the tank, it could lead to an explosion or fire in or around the heater.
Flush Pipes After The Water Is Back On
If your water outage lasted for an extended period, sediment, copper deposits, or other build-ups could have settled in your pipes. Many of these bacteria or sediments are not safe to drink, so you will need to flush the pipes before using your water again.
To flush out your pipes, start by removing showerheads, aerators, filters, and screens. Clean all of these items or replace them if needed. Bypass your water softener and close the inlet valve to your water heater. Run cold water on the lowest level of your home first, then work your way up through the home until all faucets are running. Let the water flow for 30 minutes (monitor flooding).
Make sure the water is not discolored after 30 minutes. If the water supply still looks brown or mucky, contact your water supplier or plumber. If you are worried about your pipes or flushing them, S&B Plumbing would be happy to help.
Services With S&B Plumbing
Our team serves many cities in the state of Utah and offers services for your pipes, sewer system, water heater, and toilets. No matter the size of your project, we can make your home a better and safer place to live. Contact us to schedule an appointment today!