Not all water is created equal, in fact, different minerals and sediment build-up can affect the taste of your water. The hardness and softness of your tap water can cause it to taste odd, compared to water in other areas. If your water tastes odd, is this an emergency? Do you need to call a plumber to analyze the health of your water? In this article, we will discuss what contributes to a water’s taste and when you should contact your plumber.
Reasons Your Water Tastes Odd
There are a few common reasons that your water tastes odd, especially if you live in an older home. Here are three reasons that homes could experience metallic-tasting water.
Mineral Buildup
It is common for minerals to build up in your water, but excess minerals can make your water taste metallic. Calcium and magnesium are the most common minerals that are found in water and these minerals can build up in your pipes. If you suspect that mineral buildup is the cause of your odd-tasting water, call a plumber to help perform a cleaning or pipe replacement.
Bacteria Buildup
Bacteria is another reason water tastes odd. Bacteria that have built up in your pipes, water heater, or well may cause your water to smell and taste foul. A plumber will be able to help flush out your system and remove bacteria like agal blooms, mold, and other fungi.
Not only can these bacteria cause water to taste odd, they can lead to other health issues like lung infections, brain tumors, skin irritation, or eye problems. Removing old piping or having a pipe flush from a professional will limit these contaminants from your water.
Cross Contamination
If there is a connection between your potable water and your non-potable source like your sewer, you run the risk of contaminated water that can cause major health risks. Plumbers will be able to change connections or fix stoppers to prevent sewer water from contaminating your drinking water.

Dirt, rust, minerals, or other particles can build up in your pipes over time. The water that is released from your taps may taste gritty or dirty and it may cause damage to your clothes or skin because of the harshness of the water. This is another case where hiring a plumber for a flush will help restore a more natural water taste.
A Sign Of Underlying Plumbing Issues
When your water tastes odd, sometimes the solution is simple. Having a pipe flush or installing a water filter to limit sediment and rust may take your water back to normal, but other odd water tastes can be a sign of major plumbing issues.
If your water starts to taste or smell like gas or has a glossy taste, this is an extreme case and can cause major health problems. Stop drinking this water immediately and get a plumber or other professional to test the water and check if you have a gas leak.
If your water tastes musty or earthy, you could be dealing with an algae bloom. This could be in your water storage source or in the city’s system. When the algae gets out of control, it can release dangerous toxins. A good rule of thumb is to have the water tested in your home to ensure that the bacteria is not harmful to you.
Replacing Older Pipes
Older piping can also be a cause for odd-tasting water. This can be a sign that it is time for pipe replacement or other plumbing remodels. Sometimes you don’t need to replace your whole system to fix the problem with your water. Plumbers can pinpoint which pipes need to be replaced and improve your water with ease.
When your water tastes odd working with a plumber will give you a clearer picture of what is going on in your home. Professional plumbers can also recommend water filters or adding supplements to make your water taste better if the problem is not something to do with the system.

Other Services From S&B Plumbing
Our team has been serving homes and businesses for over 25 years which means we know how to serve different types of plumbing problems. We offer multiple services like drain cleaning, water heater installations, emergency plumbing, and bathroom remodeling to ensure that homes in Utah function at their best.
Our plumbers are prepared with all the parts and tools they will need when they show up for a job. This helps us remedy a problem quickly and prevent unnecessary home damage. Contact our team to help improve your water or other plumbing problems today!